Friday 26 October 2012


" Visiting Madura Island was one of my bucket list. One of the reason was Batik. Batik Madura in the local market was made by the hands of fishermen's wives ". 


We were waiting for our car (& driver) in the hotel lobby at 5AM. Suramadu Bridge connects Surabaya and Madura Island, We saw the beautiful sunrise.

Suramadu Bridge

Sunrise from Suramadu Bridge

We skipped breakfast in Surabaya because we had a plan to explore food in Madura. The reason why we went to Madura early morning was for Nasi Serpang Bangkalan.  first stop is Nasi Serpang Bangkalan.  Nasi Serpang is rice with many kind of dishes like fish, dendeng, prawn, serundeng, lodeh tahu and shredded chicken.

Address: Depan Kelenteng Bangkalan
Opening Hours: 06:00 - sold out

Along the way we were treated with beautiful scenery, salt ponds, sea, and fishing boats. 

Batik lovers must visit 17 Agustus Market in Pamekasan, the biggest Batik Tulis market in Indonesia. Almost 100% batik in Pasar 17 Agustus made by the local. Also sell half finished Batik. Open only 2 days in a week. 

Colorful handmace Batik Madura

Then we had unch Kaldu Kokot and Nasi Jejen. Kaldu Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone. Green beans as the main ingredient for the broth with spices such as ginger, garlic, nutmeg, and scallions. Kaldu Kokot is served complete with rice or ketupat. 

Address: in a small alley in the front of Surabaya Gold Shop ( Toko Emas Surabaya ), Pamekasan.  

Just few step from  Kaldu Kokot Muksin, we found Nasi Jejen. Nasi Jejen, a various kind of beef dishes, dendeng sapi, sapi karang binaci bumbu merah, telur dengan bumbu rendang and kering kentang. 

Address: few step from Kaldu Kokot Muksin.

Nasi Jejen with various of beef dishes

On the roadtrip
Visiting Masjid Jami Sumenep is a must. Masjid Panembahan Somala or better known as Masjid Jami Sumenep is one of the 10 oldest mosques in Indonesia. The overall impression of the mosque is a mixture between Chinese, Javanese and Western -style. 

Address: Jl Manikam No 184, Bangselok, Sumenep, Jawa Timur 69416

Left: Jonghans Clock
Right: Bedug
The Gate

Sumenep Palace (Keraton Sumenep) is the modern day office of the Bupati (administrative head of the regency) of Sumenep and also houses the Royal Carriage House Museum. The palace was built in 1762. Very notable are the huge original teak pillars. Lots to see here including palanquins, weapons, Chinese porcelain, wooden handicrafts and beautifully carved furniture. The single best place to get a real handle on Madurese cultural history. 

Opening Hours: 7am - 2pm 

Left: King room

Right: found these pretty handmade card & blue plate 

Left: Male tree

Right: Female tree

We were walking to Warung Adnan before heading back to Surabaya. Kaldu Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone with green beans. Soto Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone without green beans.

Address: Jalan Wahidin, Pejagalan ( near sumenep Palace )
Opening Hours: 5am - 6pm

Soto Kokot

And we heading back to Surabaya, bought souvenirs at rest area.

Left: tools for Karapan Sapi

Right: Kuda Lumping


Saturday 20 October 2012


Address: Depan Kelenteng Bangkalan
Opening Hours: 06:00 - sold out

Entering Madura, after crossing Suramadu Bridge. We arrived Nasi Serpang around 6am and almost sold out. Serpang is the name of an area in Madura. Nasi Serpang is rice with many kind of dishes like fish, dendeng, prawn, serundeng, lodeh tahu and shredded chicken. A simply breakfast but very happy.

Address: in a small alley in the front of Surabaya Gold Shop ( Toko Emas Surabaya ), Pamekasan.  

I had never imagine about eating gulai with green beans. Kaldu Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone. Green beans as the main ingredient for the broth with spices such as ginger, garlic, nutmeg, and scallions. The looks not photogenic but the taste beyond imagine. I like Kaldu Kokot with minyak samin, deep tasteful. Kaldu Kokot is served complete with rice or ketupat. 

Address: Jalan Wahidin, Pejagalan ( near sumenep Palace )
Opening Hours: 5am - 6pm

Another famous Kaldu Kokot located in Sumenep, recommended by locals. We walked down the narrow alley, finally arrived at Warung Adnan. Kaldu Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone with green beans. Soto Kokot is Gulai Kikil and Beef Leg Bone without green beans. We tried Soto Kokot, the taste more clear than Kaldu Kokot. 

Address: few step from Kaldu Kokot Muksin. 

I never imagine abous this place. The sign only " jual nasi bungkus ". For me it was a hidden gem in Madura. Totally different with nasi Serpang. A various kind of beef dishes, dendeng sapi, sapi karang binaci bumbu merah, telur dengan bumbu rendang and kering kentang. The sambal was an extra. 


Wednesday 4 January 2012


Siapa yang gak suka buah? Buah dalam arti yang sebenarnya loh, bukan 'buah-buah' yang lain.

Setelah dipikir- pikir, buah favorit saya adalah buah yang berwarna merah seperti tomat, stroberi, dan semangka. Tomat memiliki khasiat untuk mengatasi sembelit, melawan stroke dan penyakit jantung, anti kanker dan memulihkan fungsi lever. Stroberi dapat digunakan untuk menanggulangi masalah penyakit akibat radikal bebas seperti kanker, stroke dan proses penuaan dan mencegah terjadinya radang dan alergi. Semangka untuk mencegah kanker, mencegah hipertensi dan anemia, antioksidan, menyehatkan jantung dan untuk membersihkan ginjal.

Suami temen saya seorang penggila jeruk. Di lemari es selalu tersedia stok jeruk untuk dikonsumsi sendiri atau untuk tamu yang main ke rumahnya. O ya, suaminya temen saya itu hobi meres jeruk sendiri, jadi setiap saya main ke rumahnya selalu disuguhi air jeruk bikinan suaminya, murni tanpa gula. Di halaman belakang rumahnya ditanam pohon jeruk berbagai jenis, jeruk limo, jeruk lemon, jeruk nipis dan jeruk- jeruk lain yang saya tidak hafal namanya.

Ada pasangan yg maniak stroberi, untungnya dua- duanya suka stroberi sampai2 tema pernikahan 'Strawberry Garden'. Dari pre-wedding sampai resepsi semuanya serba stroberi. Bayangkan foto pre-wedding yang wanita mengenakan gaun merah menyala bermotif stroberi sambil membawa bantal stroberi lalu pasangannya memakai kemeja merah dengan stroberi- stroberi bertebaran. Bagi orang banyak (termasuk saya) terlihat pesta yang norak tapi buktinya mereka sangat puas dengan pesta stroberinya. Gak tau sih masih langgeng sampai sekarang gak ya? Semoga masih.

Seseorang teman ternyata penggemar berat peach. Matanya selalu berbinar- binar setiap melihat dan mendengar segala sesuatu yang ada peach nya sampai- sampai di status dan timeline-nya sering tertulis peach peach peach peach.. hohoohooo. Konon cita- cita menikah nanti mau pakai tema peach party ^.^

Teman SMA saya orangnya aneh tapi nyata, seumur hidupnya hanya makan buah- buahan, OMG!! Saya ingat betul, waktu ada acara sekolah yang mengharuskan menginap, semacam reatreat gitu deh. Dia membawa bekal sendiri yaitu beberapa sisir pisang dan apel.

Seorang teman di komunitas kuliner ada yang penggemar berat mangga. Sepertinya semua jenis mangga udah beliau jajal, dr mangga gedong Indramayu sampai mangga berjenis langka. Dan yang bikin beliau sedih itu kalau musim mangga segera berakhir.

Ponakan saya yg berumur 1.5 tahun itu sudah punya buah favorit yaitu alpukat. Disuapi nasi selalu geleng- geleng kepala sambil bilang " No no no no no" tapi kalau disuguhi alpukat keruk pakai susu langsung buka mulut sendiri. Setiap hari menghabiskan satu alpukat kata mamanya.

Ada lagi Fruit Ninja, permainan kecepatan jari yang sempat menjadi hitz sebelum kalah pamor dari si burung marah. Berbagai jenis buah terlempar di udara lalu buah harus dipotong dengan kecepatan jari. Semakin banyak buah yang terpotong, semakin tinggi skor yang didapat.

Nah apa buah favorit kamu?